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 Contact: Lorie M. Liebrock, Cramer 132, New Mexico Tech Campus, (575) 835-6729

CyberReady New Mexico

New Mexico CyberReady Logo

Cybersecurity  Research, Economic Development, Education, and Entrepreneurship

The New Mexico Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NMCCoE), working with stakeholders in New Mexico, is developing CyberReady New Mexico focused on making New Mexico a leader in cybersecurity.   The CyberReadyNM consortium is lead by the New Mexico Cybersecurity Center of Excellence housed at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.


CyberReadyNM includes planned efforts in:


CyberReadyNM Working Group Meeting

APRIL 8, 2022

Stakeholders from information technology, business, educational institutions, and government agencies will gather in Socorro Wednesday, April 6, at a daylong conference to discuss cyber security challenges, activities, and opportunities for collaboration and expansion. Representatives from education and various levels of government including municipalities, workforce development, and service programs are expected to attend CyberReady New Mexico’s working group meeting at New Mexico Tech as they work together to build a cyber security consortium across the state and advocate for funding. See the news release for more details.


CMMC Workshop

SEPTEMBER 14, 15 & 17, 2021


As part of the CyberReady joint initiative, New Mexico's Economic Development Department (EDD), Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (CCoE), and Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) have worked together to develop a cybersecurity training workshop focused on the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) guidelines. The CyberReady workshop will help prepare New Mexico businesses for the required cyber practices set forth by the federal government.

The $200 workshop will take place online from Sept 14, 15 & 17 and is open to all NM businesses. Register online by Sept 10 in our Marketplace.  


CyberReady Workshop

May 12, 13, & 14, 2021

As part of the CyberReady joint initiative, New Mexico's Economic Development Department (EDD), Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (CCoE), and Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) have worked together to develop a cybersecurity training workshop focused on the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) guidelines. The CyberReady workshop will help prepare New Mexico businesses for the required cyber practices set forth by the federal government. See the news release for more details.


To stay informed on cybersecurity opportunities, please submit your information in the survey.  CLICK HERE FOR THE SURVEY

CMMC Workshop details.





 Cybersecurity Centers

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Transdisciplinary Cybersecurity Graduate Programs

Learn more about the graduate school opportunities in transdisciplinary cybersecurity.

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Learn more about the New Mexico Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. 

Cybersecurity Resources

Cybersecurity Resources

Best Practices, News, and Events

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Cybersecurity Best Practices

Learn how to secure some of your online tools. 

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Cybersecurity News

 What is happening in cybersecurity now.

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Cybersecurity Events

Events associated with the two centers.

Contact us with questions about CyberReady at the NMCCoE email address below.

(Please see contact information below)



NMCCoE Main   NMCCoE Cramer 132 NMCCoE@castingmoldingmachine.com
Lisa Ackley Coordinator 575-835-5602 NMCCoE Cramer 132D lisa.ackley@castingmoldingmachine.com
Lorie M. Liebrock Director 575-835-6729 NMCCoE Cramer 132A lorie.liebrock@castingmoldingmachine.com
Jessica Torres Admin. Specialist 575-835-5558 NMCCoE Cramer 132B jessica.trujillo-torres@castingmoldingmachine.com


NMCCoE Social Media

Discord Server: NMT CyberSec  Twitter  Facebook Econ  Facebook Edu